Available to residents nationwide, Earn a 0.85% APY on your funds for opening a new Northfield Bank Platinum Savings Account account.
Below is all the information you need to earn 0.85% APY Rate on your funds when you open a Northfield Bank Platinum Savings Account!
In addition to the current rate from Northfield Bank, you can also take advantage of a range of great promotions from banks such as HSBC Bank, Chase Bank, Huntington Bank, Discover Bank, TD Bank, BBVA or CIT Bank.
Northfield Bank Platinum Savings
Here is your opportunity to earn an interest rate of 0.85% APY on your funds. Open a new account and get started today!
- Rate Offer: 0.85% APY Rate
- Availability: Nationwide (Bank Locator)
- Credit Inquiry: Hard Pull
- Credit Funding: None listed
- Opening Deposit Requirement: $0.01
- Monthly Service Fee: $8 monthly fee, see below how to waive
- Early Termination Fees: None listed
Application Link
Northfield Bank Platinum Savings Account: Consider opening an account to receive an interest rate of 0.85% APY Rate on your funds. Apply today!
Account Rates
Balance Requirement | APY Rate |
$0.01 to $99,999.99 | 0.85% APY |
$100,000 to $224,999.99 | 0.85% APY |
$225,000+ | 0.85% APY |
Northfield Bank Account Benefits
- Minimum of $0.01 to open a Platinum Savings Account
- Member of FDIC so your money is always safe
- Monthly fee can be easily waived with a $2,500 daily balance
Author’s Verdict
It’s a good account but what draws me away is the hard pull. There are definitely better accounts with a higher rate for a “high yield” account. If you know of any account similar to this or better, please let us know by commenting below!
Let us know about your thoughts and experience with this account! Be sure to check back on BankDealGuy for more bank rates!
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Frank says
Do yourself a favor, find a different bank. These people go out of their way to make dealing with them difficult. Want to change the address on your account? Send them a notarized copy of a utility bill. Seriously! Had no issue changing my address with Schwab, Wells Fargo, or any of my other accounts. Lousy customer service + lousy website functionality = buh bye.
Alex says
Online dashboard has a very limited functionality. External Transfer and Bill Payment features are not available due to constant “technical difficulties”. Hopefully they’ll fix it soon for me to pull the money out. I guess you can’t have everything with the highest national APY…