If you’re looking for a new savings account available nationwide, Affirm Savings Account is offering you 3.85% APY.
Update 9/26/24: The rate has decreased to 3.85% APY (from 4.35%). We recommend our top pick – the Western Alliance savings account.
Affirm Savings Account
Here is your opportunity to earn a high interest rate on your funds. Open a new account and start earning interest and get started today!
- Rate Offer: 3.85% APY Rate
- Availability: Nationwide
- Credit Inquiry: Unknown
- Credit Funding: Unknown
- Minimum Balance: None
- Maximum Balance: None
- Monthly Fee: None
- Early Termination Fee: None Listed
Application Link
Affirm Savings Account: If this account appeals to you and you qualify, apply today!
Account Rates
Balance | APY |
$0.01 | 3.85% APY |
Affirm Savings $50 Referral Bonus
In addition to the attractive APY rate, Affirm also offers a referral bonus which rewards both you and the person being referred a $50 bonus. To earn your referral bonus, simply complete the following steps:
- Open your Affirm app and tap the “Give $50, get $50” banner
- Invite up to 4 friends or family members using your personal referral link
- After they make their first purchase with Affirm, you will each receive a $50 bonus to your Affirm Savings account
(Sign up at Affirm)
Affirm Account Benefits
- Super Simple App
- No minimum
- No fees
- FDIC Insured up to $250,000
Author’s Verdict
Check out this offer from Affirm right now if you open a Savings Account you earn the high rate. Start accruing interest at a high rate as soon as they post to your account! Take advantage of the services they have to offer along with these savings.
In addition to the current rate from 1st Security Bank, you can also take advantage of a range of great promotions from banks such as HSBC Bank, Chase Bank, Huntington Bank, Discover Bank, TD Bank, or CIT Bank.
If you happen to know whether this account incurs a hard/soft pull, please let us know. Let us know about your thoughts and experience with this account! Be sure to check back on BankDealGuy for more bank rates!