Checking accounts come with ATM, overdraft and minimum balance fees that can be frustrating to navigate through. When these fees start building up, they can really start to take a toll on your finances. There is a way to avoid these fees! Keeping up with a banks requirements to avoid fees can save you money. This post will help you navigate checking accounts and give you tips on how you can start minimizing or even take away the costs of fees.
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Which Account Should I Open Up?
Most banks come with many checking accounts that you can open and require you to maintain an average or daily balance to avoid monthly fees. Each of their requirements may vary for each type of account, so be sure to check what your requirements are!
To avoid fees, try to find banks with low or minimum balance requirements. If you maintain these requirements, the bank will not charge you fees. An example of this is the TD Convenience Checking Account. In this account, if you maintain a daily balance of $100 or more, you will be able to avoid the monthly fee.
Before opening up an account, be sure to check the requirements and not get bundled up in the fees!
How to Avoid ATM Fees:
Using an ATM outside of your Bank’s network can charge you up to $4. Before joining a bank, make sure you join one that is available where and when you need it. This may be places where you workout, work, or hang out often.
If you need to use ATM’s out of your bank’s network, consider creating an account that can reimburse you for ATM fees. A good example of this is the TD Premier Checking Account. When you keep a daily minimum balance of $2500 or more, TD bank Premier Checking Account Members will get ATM fees reimbursed.
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Author’s Verdict:
We all need checking accounts to manage our finances. Before creating a checking account, check the requirements of the bank that will allow you to avoid monthly fees. To avoid ATM fees, consider joining banks that can possibly reimburse you for the ATM Fees, like the TD Premier Checking Account. If you’re interested in bank deals and promotions, be sure to check out our post on the best Bank Deals. If you want to find a broker to start investing, check out our list of the Best Brokers!
With the TD Convenience CheckingSM Account: • Earn $200 when you receive direct deposits totaling $500 or more within 60 days • Low minimum daily balance of $100 waives the $15 monthly fee. • Students and young adults ages 17 through 23 get additional perks like no minimum balance requirements and no monthly maintenance fee. • Instantly replace a lost, stolen, or damaged debit card by visiting a TD Bank location near you • Access accounts via Online Banking with Bill Pay, Online Statements, Send Money with Zelle and TD Bank Mobile Deposit. Plus, get 24/7 cash access at TD ATMs in the U.S. and Canada and around-the-clock Live Customer Service. • TD checking accounts come with an instant-issue debit card - and, you can pay with confidence with contactless technology Visa Zero Liability protection and 24/7 fraud monitoring. • Get a 0.25% discount on TD Bank Home Equity and Personal Loans. |
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