If you’re a student looking for a worthwhile student credit card to sign up for, sign up for the Deserve Edu Mastercard for Students. With Deserve, you don’t need to have a credit history or a co-signer to get started in building your credit score, so it doesn’t matter whether you’re new to credit or have already established your credit. This card is specifically designed for college students and with it, you can build your credit history and enjoy great benefits simultaneously. If you’re interested in this card, keep on reading to find out more!
Deserve Edu Mastercard for Students Features
- 1% cash back on all purchases
- Start building credit; no prior history required
- Deserve® will pay for Amazon® Prime Student – $49.99 value
- No deposit required
- Car Rental Collision Damage Waiver
- Roadside Assistance
- Travel Assistance Services
- Price Protection
- Extended Warranty
- ID Theft Protection
- $0 annual fee
Apply Now
Deserve Edu Mastercard for Students: If you are interested in this credit card, apply today!
Alternative Options
Author’s Verdict
Apply for the Deserve Edu Mastercard for Students to start earning points and reaping benefits as soon as you can. With this card you earn 1% Cash Back on all purchases. This card also has no annual fee! It’s a pretty good card to start off with if it’s your first one, and is especially good if you’re a college student because of all the additional benefits offered. However, if you’re looking for credit cards with more bonuses, then definitely check out our Best Credit Card Deals master post!
If you’re interested in learning about the best cards to use for drug store purchases, then be sure to check out our Best Credit Cards For Telecommunication Expenses master post for more information! Provide feedback in the comment section below by telling us your thoughts and experience with this credit card.
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