If you’ve applied for a credit card, you know that you have to wait to be approved. It can be a real pain to sit around wondering the status of your application. It could take hours, days, or even weeks to hear back. However, there are ways to ease your suffering. You can go online and check the status of your application to ensure your peace of mind. If you’re tired of the uncertainty, keep on reading to find out how to check your application status with each issuer.
American Express
- Direct Link to Check Status
- They require your full SSN and zip code.
Bank of America
- Direct Link to Check Status
- Bank of America requires last name, date of birth, last 4 digits of social security number and your zip code.
- Direct Link to Check Status
- They require last name, zip code, last four SSN & e-mail address.
Capital One
- You cannot check your application status with Capital one online. You can call them on 800–903–9177 with questions you may have.
- Chase does not have an online application status checker either. However, you can call them on 800-432-3117 to check your status that way.
- Direct Link to Check Status
- Citi requires your application ID and your zip code. If you’ve lost your application id you can enter your primary phone number, zip code and date of birth to check instead.
- Direct Link to Check Status
- You’ll need to enter your zip code and full SSN to check your status with Discover.
U.S. Bank
- Direct Link to Check Status
- You either need to log in with your online banking details or with a passcode. To get a pass code you need to enter your last name, e-mail address, date of birth and social security number. The above link may be for loans instead of cards, so if that’s the case you’ll need to call (800) 947-1444 instead.
Wells Fargo
- Direct Link to Check Status
- You either need to login via your online banking details or provide your last name, date of birth and access code (you can also request a new access code).
Comenity Bank
- There is unfortunately no way to check your application status with Comenity Bank.
Credit One Bank
- Direct link to check status
First National Bank of Omaha
- Direct link to check status
- You can check the status of both personal and business applications using this link. Standard information is required (zip, last four of SSN & phone number).
Synchrony Bank
- There is no way to check your status with Synchrony Bank.
TD Bank
- You cannot check your application status online with TD Bank. Instead you can call (888) 561-8861
- There is no way to check your application status with USAA.
Best Credit Card Categories
Author’s Verdict
Hopefully, this guide was of some use to you. Either check the link or call the issuer’s number to confirm your application status. If you have any information on how to check an application status with a smaller issuer not mentioned in this article, please feel free to comment down below. If you check your credit card application status and find out you are not approved, view our Best Credit Categories post to check out other cards to apply for or see our full list of the Best Credit Card Promotions!
I just wanna know if there is a difference in the credit card agreement between the angel card and the angel Vip card.