As a student, one of the last things you want to worry about is what credit card to sign up for. There are a lot of options to choose from, and the wrong one might mess up your credit score. Also, with so many types of reward programs being offered among credit cards, it can be hard to pick and choose which rewards are right for you. There are, however, cards that are more well suited for first time credit card users and students than others.
For this particular post, we have provided you a list of the credit cards that is recommended for students to sign up for. We’ve made it easy for you, so you have one less thing to be responsible for. Let us know if we are missing any cards in the comments section and good luck!
Credit Card | Rewards | Requirements | Annual Fee | Review |
BankAmericard Cash Rewards Credit Card for Students | 3% on gas; 2% at grocery stores and wholesale clubs; 1% cash back on every purchase | None | $0 | Review |
Wells Fargo Cash Back College Card | 3% Cash Back on Gas, Grocery, Drugstore Purchases | 3% for 6 months and then 1% | $0 | Review |
State Farm Student Visa | 3X Points on insurance premium payouts; 1X point on everything else | 3X points only available up to $4,000 annually | $0 | Review |
Citi ThankYou Preferred Card for College Students | 2X Points on dining and entertainment | None | $0 | Review |
Capital One® Secured Mastercard® Compare here | 2% cash back at gas and restaurants; 1% on all other purchases | Gas and restaurant points capped at $1,000 each quarter | $0 | Review |
Journey Student Credit Card | 1.25% Cashback on all purchases | Pay on time to boost your cash back to a total of 1.25% for that month | $0 | Review |
Deserve Edu Mastercard for Students | 1% Cashback on all purchases | None | $0 | Review |
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