If you’re looking for a savings account with a high interest rate that you can apply for in the comfort of your own home, this promotion is for you! Available nationwide, Northpointe Bank is offering you a chance to earn 1.12% APY with a minimum balance of $10,000. You will be guaranteed the same rate for at least the first 12 months when you open the account. Below is all the information and details you need to earn your Northpointe Bank UltimateSavings 1.12% APY rate!
Northpointe Bank UltimateSavings Account Summary
To earn your Northpointe Bank 1.12% APY Rate, simply open a new UltimateSavings Account and have a minimum balance deposit of $10,000.
- Rate Offer: Up to 1.12% APY on a minimum balance deposit of $10,000
- Availability: Nationwide (Bank Locator)
- Credit Inquiry: Soft Pull
- Credit Funding: Up to $100
- FDIC Insured: Yes
- Opening Deposit Requirement: $10,000 minimum balance to earn 1.12% APY rate
- Direct Deposit Requirement: None
- Monthly Service Fee: None
- Promo Code(s): None
Northpointe Bank UltimateSavings APY Rate
Northpointe Bank 1.12% APY Rate: If you are eligible for this bonus offer, visit your nearest branch in Michigan or go online to open a new savings account and earn your Northpointe Bank 1.12% APY Rate!
If you are interested in more Northpointe Bank Deals, Bonuses, and Promotions, see our compiled list of Northpointe Bank Deals here.
To see our full list of savings rate offers, deals, and promotions, see our exclusive list of Savings Rates Here.
NorthPointe UltimateSavings Bank Features:
- 1.12% APY on balances of $10k+, with a rate guarantee for “at least 12 months.
- Interest is compounded monthly
- If the balance in the account is less than $10,000 or greater than $500,000, an interest rate of 0.15% APY will apply to the entire balance in the account.
- Check account balances, transfer money and pay bills on-the-go with Northpoints Bank’s mobile banking apps
- Mobile check deposits
- No monthly fees
Northpointe Bank UltimateSavings Requirements
Open a new UltimateSavings Account online or at the Michigan branch and fund it with a minimum deposit of $10,000 in order to receive the 1.12% APY rate. Here’s how:
- Open a new UltimateSavings Account with NorthPointe Bank
- Accomplish a minimum opening deposit of $10,000.
- Balance must be in between $10,000 to $500,000 to earn the rate, otherwise, .15% APY.
- You will earn 1.12% APY for 12 months after accomplishing all the necessary requirements.
Avoid Monthly Fees
There are no monthly fees involved with this checking account.
Author’s Verdict
This Northpointe Bank 1.12% APY Rate fairly easy to obtain. If you are looking for one of the best APY bank rates, definitely give Northpointe Bank UltimateSavings account a look for a generous rate of 1.12% APY rate with a balance of $10,000 minimum deposit. You can open the account with no monthly minimum balance requirements and no charge to pull money into Northpointe Bank. Be sure to check back on BankDealGuy for more bank deals!
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