Stay in touch with your money. Move money and more by barely moving a finger. Mobile Banking lets you securely manage finances from nearly anywhere with a few taps on a phone or tablet. The Mobile Banking app, alerts, texts and more give you the freedom to keep your money close by. Huntington Bank is currently available in the following states: [IN, KY, MI, OH, PA, WV, IL, WI].
Editor’s Note: Banking with Huntington Bank is a smart choice if you’re living in the eligible states. See our individual reviews for our recommended checking accounts below with a variety of sign-up bonuses.
- Huntington Bank $500 Fast Track Checking Bonus
- Huntington Bank $300 Community Checking Bonus
- Huntington Bank $200 H5 Checking Bonus
- Huntington Bank $150 Asterisk-Free Checking Bonus
Huntington Bank Unlimited Plus Business Checking | $1,000 Cash | Review |
Huntington Bank Unlimited Business Checking | $400 Cash | Review |
Huntington Bank Business Checking 100 | $100 Cash | Review |
Huntington Bank Online Services
Bank with your favorite connected device
- Whether you use a desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone, you can pay bills, check balances and more. Enroll today!
Huntington Bank Mobile Banking Features
- Safe, Easy App
- Check balances, pay bills, deposit checks and more with our mobile banking app. Made specifically for phones and tablets, our apps let you securely handle your money from nearly anywhere. Learn More.
- Real, Fast Alerts
- Know what’s happening with your account. Sign up for Alerts on the Alerts tab in Online Banking to get email and text updates about your checking, savings, money market or Voice Credit Card™ accounts. Keep in mind that carrier, message, and data rates may apply. Learn More.
- Apple Pay
- Make your next in-store purchase with a single touch using Apple Pay on your iPhone 6, 6 Plus, or Apple Watch. Learn More.
- Simple and Secure
- No matter how you choose to bank over your phone, your transactions will be safe and sound. We’re so confident in the safety and security of our products, we back them with the Huntington Personal Online Guarantee. See The Guarantee.
- Text Banking
- You don’t need a smartphone to stay in touch with your account. Use texting and your feature phone to access details about your finances. Set up Text Banking in the Alerts tab in Online Banking. Keep in mind that carrier, message, and data rates may apply. Learn More.
- Tips and Advice
- Huntington is committed to helping make Mobile Banking a cinch. That’s why their FAQ answers many of the most common questions. See the FAQs.
Still Have Questions?
If you can’t find what you’re looking for, let Huntington Bank know. They’re ready to help in person, online or on the phone. You can contact them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 1-800-480-BANK (2265).
Author’s Verdict
Definitely a great bank if you live in one of the qualifying states. Huntington Bank is on top of their game with 24/7 customer service, keeping up with the latest payment methods such as Apple Pay, and offering terrific bonuses. If you’re interested in more info regarding Huntington Bank offers, check out our full listing of Huntington Bank Deals, Offers, Bonuses, and Promotions. Be sure to check back on BankDealGuy for more bank deals!